· Mar 16, 2022 2m read

InterSystems Reports: How to allow Support to run your report for troubleshooting

Support is helping you troubleshoot a report. They want to reproduce a problem in their local system. Too bad they can't run your report, because the JDBC data source connection will fail. Or... is there a way?  

There is a way to run a report offline, with no access to the source database. You must provide a cached query result exported from Designer. This is a file containing report source data. Support will use this to override the report's data source. When they run the report, it will get data from the file, rather than the JDBC connection. 


This has nothing to do with the IRIS BI query cache. 

IRIS BI query cache Globals used by the BI query engine to improve performance. 
InterSystems Reports cached query result A file that enables running a report offline, with no access to the source database. The report retrieves data from the file instead of the usual JDBC connection. 


How to send a report with a cached query result

1. Zip and send the entire catalog folder. Indicate which report you are testing. 


2. Open your report in Designer. In the Data panel on the left, right-click the dataset and choose Create Cached Query Result. If the report has multiple datasets, do this for each one.  Send the exported files. 


Do not send a cached query result containing confidential data. 



Logi Cached Query documentation (v18)

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