· Aug 25, 2020

Global Masters Reward: 1.5-hour consultation with InterSystems Expert

Hi Community, 
As you may know, on Global Masters you can redeem a consultation with InterSystems expert on any InterSystems product: InterSystems IRIS, IRIS for Health, Interoperability (Ensemble), IRIS Analytics (DeepSee), Caché, HealthShare.

And we have exciting news for you: now these consultations available in the following languages:  English, Portuguese, Russian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese.  Also! The duration is extended to 1.5 hours for your deep dive into the topic.


If you are interested, don't hesitate to redeem the reward on Global Masters! 

If you are not a member of Global Masters yet - you are very welcome to join here (click on the InterSystems login button and use your InterSystems WRC credentials). To learn more about Global Masters read this article: Global Masters Advocate Hub - Start Here!

See you on InterSystems Global Masters today! 🙂

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