· Jul 25, 2020 1m read

Develop integration service

The InterSystems IRIS has an integration engine with these core elements:

1. Adapters: are inbound (data/message input/request) and outbound (data/message output/response)  integration logic specialized in the type of data or message protocol (file, http, etc.). They are the interface to allows connect with source or target data repositories or systems.

2. DTL: is a component to mapping and transform data between two components in the flow orchestration.

3. BPL: is a component executing BPEL language to execute integration/orchestration flow.

4. Native API: is possible integrate with Java, .NET, Python, Node.js and C++ using PEX (Production EXtension framework), a specialized integration engine to these languages.

So, with IRIS is possible compose components, services, internal and external systems to automate a business scenario without change it, increase reuse, increasing governance and management in this business automation using alerts, KPI, tracking, log and dynamic parameters in the BPL. This is great to SOA projects.

Discussion (3)1
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Yes. However what is missing is inbuilt operations for many common apps like salesforce , netsuite etc and cloud eg something out of the box to store objects on s3 , blob etc and so on.  
If we compare these to Talend, Mulesoft, Dell Boomi  the IRIS software lacks hundreds of these pre-built connecting services and operations.

Just to give an idea here is a list of Dell Boomi Connectors

IRIS has a lot to catch up on this front.

I agree with you about more connectors, like salesforce and other. Alternatively is possible integrate these solutions (salesforce, netsuite) using REST or Java, so HTTP Adapter and Java Native API may be options. It's not the same, productivity is lower, but it is technically possible. I hope more IRIS adapters will be launched in the future.